Posted by nerangturf_admin

Posted on May 5, 2020


The grass problem lies in choosing the best type of grass for your area. It is not easy. There is no single lawn that works well. So, it is better to contact your county extension office for recommendations. With that in mind, there are a few good options to consider when installing a new lawn.

Cooch grass has a rough texture and is suitable for wet coastal areas with mild winter temperatures. It is also best fit for a wide range of soil types, performs well in moderate shade, and provides good coverage with minimal cut. San Agustin is a “carpet” grass that creates a large, flat grass with high heat tolerance. It is native to the Gulf Coast, the Antilles, and the West African regions. Cooch does not cope well with high pedestrian traffic and is not recommended for areas with drought problems.

Buffalo grass. If you stay in an area with excessive heat and constant dryness, take a look at buffalo grass. This perennial herb thrives in the hot season without high watering or fertilization, requires little mowing, and is complete for those who want a native or meadow look that is easier to maintain. It grows to 3m tall when not cut, but can be kept 6cm tall. Buffalo grass is mother to the Great Plains and is widely adapted to other hot climates.
It does not look good in shaded areas or with excessive pedestrian traffic.

Zoysia. This warm-season perennial herb can have a coarse or fine texture and is suitable for a variety of soils. In southern climates, it works quite well in partially shaded areas, but the further north it goes, the more sun it takes. It is an extremely drought tolerant herb, and although it turns straw-coloured in severe drought conditions, it responds very positively to subsequent watering. This lawn has excellent wear tolerance and is therefore perfect for lawns, golf courses, and playgrounds.
Due to the slow growth rate, Zoysia has little potential for recovery when damaged or overused. It is better to re-code the damaged areas.

Tall fescue. Although it grows best in humid environments, tall fescue actually has a good drought tolerance. It grows fairly well in the “transition regions” of the United States, where it is too hot and humid for grasses in the cold season, but too cold for grasses in the hot season. It acquires too many types of soil, but prefers well-drained clay soils and works quite well in shady conditions. Although not mother to the U.S, it is well adapted and widespread in the low grasslands of the Pacific South and Northwest.
Tall fescue should never be used in areas where less than 3cm need to be mowed in summer.

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